Get out of your comfort zone!
In 2021 we came once again to Crete on a creative journey. Walking through the old city of Rethymnon, I had a desire to paint an plein air ( in the place) the old Venetian port of Rethymnon. This place is steeped in history and looks very picturesque. I wanted to take a large canvas (100*150 cm.) to plein air. However, I was tormented by doubts, since the large format in the plain air is difficult, it will take several days to complete the paintinf. And also in the port there are always a lot of tourists and locals walking around, for whom, most likely, the artist who paints in the most prominent place will be the center of attraction for the eyes. My mind whispered softly to me, "But why don't you leave this idea? Do you need it?
After all, painting in a quiet and cozy studio is much more comfortable."
But the impulse of the soul told me something completely different ...
The voice of the soul overcame my doubts and the next day we came to the pier with a huge canvas and paints! It was windy and we tied the easel with ropes to an old lamp post. Of course, from that moment on, I became the center of attention and people were interested in what I was doing. As soon as I set to work, everything that happened went by the wayside and I completely plunged into the world of creating. Here, in this port, history and modernity merged, the glare of the sea played with me, blinding my eyes for a moment, and the swaying boats on the pier seemed to whisper among themselves. For a moment I went out of my world and heard the conversations of people behind me, felt the sights of tourists and the sounds of cameras.
A few hours later, when the position of the sun noticeably changed, I stopped and turned around to see a crowd of people behind me. I felt satisfied with myself and inspired by the attention of the audience.
This went on for about a week. All the difficulties with the installation of equipment, the fight against wind and sun glare disappeared in an instant when I heard words of admiration from observers of the process!
On the last day, when the painting was almost ready, correspondents came to the port to take an interview from me, and the vice-mayor of the city himself came to say a few words as a sign of attention to what was happening.
There, standing in the port next to the painting during the interview, the Vice Mayor officially invited me to present my work next summer in the most famous and historical place of Rethymnon in the fortress of Fortezza!
It was so unexpected and so joyful!
And then I realized that if you do not give in to doubts and follow the voice of your heart, then you will certainly be rewarded!